Newest Cage Report

When Paladin started with the new short cage I had concerns as we’ve had difficulties in the past. Turns out a shorter cage is really best.

chance-new-cage-teen                         chance in jb teased

On the left is the new short cage.  On the right is the Jailbird. When I took these photos Paladin had a raging hard on inside both of them. In the shorter cage, there is nowhere to go. While I found this really appealing I worried about rashes, or other physical problems.

One of the problems with the Jailbird was the way the cage locked into the ring, and the shape of the ring being oval instead of round. These might be best for some, but they were not best for Paladin. The cage shifted around quite a bit, and the oval ring put pressure on his balls in a not so good way.

The shorter cage version has 2 prongs that fit into the ring and that keeps the cage securely in place.  It is a bit tricky to get it into place on him and not pinch or injure his skin there – but I figured out how to do that fairly quickly and simply take my time pushing the cage into the holes – while pushing his skin out of the way.  The huge plus?

Paladin has been wearing this for 16 days with less than an hour of being out. During the time he was out I examined his penis and balls for any irritation or signs of problems – and there were none.

The reason the shorter cage is best by far: Paladin’s penis is held against his body – there is no rubbing or other interactions with the shorter cage associated with the longer one. So he has had ZERO issues with the new cage.

So if you are experiencing problems, you might want to try a shorter cage.

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